The Council of Europe welcomes the signature by the President of Ukraine on 10 September 2015 of the Law on transparency of media ownership adopted by the Parliament of Ukraine on 3 September 2015. This is an important achievement of Ukraine in the implementation of the National Human Rights Strategy.
As a result of this step, Ukraine now has one of the most progressive and far reaching legal frameworks in Europe on this matter, as in particular the Law forbids ownership of media organisations from offshore.
This is another sign of successful cooperation between Ukraine and the Council of Europe. The Joint Programme (JP) of the Council of Europe and the European Union “Strengthening Information Society in Ukraine” has provided extensive support in drafting this legislation. The Law on transparency of media ownership includes recommendations from the legal opinion of the CoE expert Matias Huter (Austria) and the conclusions of the Conference held by the JP on 11 June 2015 in Kyiv as well from PACE Recommendation (2074 (2015) “Increasing transparency of media ownership”) of 24 June 2015.