Statement by Dmytro Kuleba, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the Council of Europe at 1299th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies (agenda item "Secretary General’s consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia")
It’s my pleasure to welcome here David Zalkaliani, First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, and I thank him for his very important intervention.
This delegation appreciates the preparation of the Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia.
The document reflects the important developments that took place in the period under review.
We share the concern that international human rights monitoring mechanisms, including the Secretariat, and EU Monitoring Mission were not given authorization to visit Abkhazia and South Ossetia that limits the possibility to assess human right situation on the ground.
The aggravation of the situation resulted from so-called borderization which affects vulnerable groups of population, needs our special attention.
It is also important to note that Georgian authorities continue to provide free access to healthcare and education for all residents of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
The illegal detentions and kidnapping which take place along the occupation line and ethnic discrimination in the mentioned territories are among other human rights violations to which we cannot turn blind eye.
In this regard, we align ourselves with the position that consistent and firm stance of international community is essential to counter the alarming developments in Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
Ukraine reiterates its support to the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognized borders. Russia must abandon its aggressive practices and restore respect for its obligations under international law and for human rights.