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PACE`s written declaration: The Ukrainian Parliament should finalise the creation of preconditions for signing the Association Agreement with the European Union
08 October 2013 10:50

On 1 Octobre 2013 within the framework of the autumn session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe the written declaration №554 was distrbuted in order to support Ukraine on its way to the Association Agreement with the European Union.

The Ukrainian Parliament should finalise the creation of
preconditions for signing the Association Agreement with the
European Union

Written declaration No. 554   

We welcome the continuing efforts of the Ukrainian authorities towards the implementation of reforms
undertaken to meet its obligations and commitments within the membership of the Council of Europe and the
creation of preconditions for the signing the Association Agreement with the European Union.
We were pleased to note that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted by a Constitutional majority a number
of decisions on this way. We should also mention the progress in the reform of the Prosecutor’s Office and the
execution of court decisions.
Particularly, we consider as a positive sign that the draft Law of Ukraine “On amending the Constitution of
Ukraine on Strengthening the Independence of Judges”, which had received a positive opinion of the Venice
Commission, was successfully included in the agenda of the Verkhovna Rada and submitted for the
consideration of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. The fast adoption of the current version of this draft law
jointly by all political parties represented in the Ukrainian Parliament will serve as a key value for a
comprehensive Constitutional reform that has been repeatedly recommended by our Assembly.
Reaffirming our full support for the signature of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European
Union in November 2013, we would like to urge all the Ukrainian authorities, political forces and the civil society
to make maximum efforts to bring Ukraine closer to the European Union.



Signed (see overleaf):
GHILETCHI Valeriu, Republic of Moldova, EPP/CD
BADEA Viorel Riceard, Romania, EPP/CD
BENTON Joe, United Kingdom, SOC
BESELIA Eka, Georgia, SOC
BRAUN Márton, Hungary, EPP/CD
CILEVIČS Boriss, Latvia, SOC
DÍAZ TEJERA Arcadio, Spain, SOC
DOBBIN Jim, United Kingdom, SOC
FENECHIU Cătălin Daniel, Romania, ALDE
FLEGO Gvozden Srećko, Croatia, SOC
FLOREA Daniel, Romania, SOC
GORGHIU Alina Ştefania, Romania, ALDE
HANCOCK Mike, United Kingdom, ALDE
IORDACHE Florin, Romania, SOC
JAKAVONIS Gediminas, Lithuania, ALDE
JANTUAN Stella, Republic of Moldova, SOC
KALMÁR Ferenc, Hungary, EPP/CD
KORODI Attila, Romania, EPP/CD
LEIPUTĖ Orinta, Lithuania, SOC
MAGHRADZE Guguli, Georgia, SOC
MEALE Alan, United Kingdom, SOC
O'REILLY Joseph, Ireland, EPP/CD
SAKOVSKIS Aleksandrs, Latvia, SOC
SEYIDOV Samad, Azerbaijan, EDG
STOILOV Yanaki, Bulgaria, SOC
STROE Ionuţ-Marian, Romania, ALDE
ZINGERIS Emanuelis, Lithuania, EPP/CD
ZOHRABYAN Naira, Armenia, ALDE
Total = 30

EPP/CD: Group of the European People's Party
SOC: Socialist Group
ALDE: Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
EDG: European Democrat Group
UEL: Group of the Unified European Left
NR: Representatives not belonging to a Political Group

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